My Computer Science Superheroes


Marc Regis Hannah

Birth: October 13, 1956
Major Academic Events: He attended the Illinois Institute of Technology, with a scholarship from Bell Laboratories. He also received his B.S. degree in electrical engineering in 1977 before going on to Stanford University where he obtained his M.S. degree in 1978 and his Ph.D. degree in 1985.
Contributions to Computer Science:He worked designing a radar system using computers for the army and then worked for NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center until he moved to Florida, where he led development of the original IBM Personal Computer changing the entire computer industry starting with a team of 14 and zero revenue to 10,000 employees allowing the industry gain billions each year by selling and creating personal computers. He chose an open architecture to make software outside of the IBM causing the architecture to become ubiquitous, by the time Philip Don Estridge left the division had a revenue of over $4 billion annually.


Philip Don Estridge

Birth: June 23, 1937
Death:August 2, 1985
Major Academic Events: He graduated from Bishop Kenny High School in 1955, and he graduated from the University of Florida with a Bachelor's Degree in Electrical Engineering in 1959. He did not win any personal awards but is known as the "father of the IBM PC" because he led the development of the original personal computer leading the industry and making the company billions.
Contributions to Computer Science:He spent 16 years at a company changing it from a small start-up to a multibillion-dollar computer hardware and software company with products from desktop workstations to large, multiprocessor supercomputers.He also cofounded the company that would become famous for its computer graphics technology. His company worked on graphic special effects in movies like jurassic park.


Leonard Adleman

Birth:December 31, 1945
Major Academic Events: He has a bachelor's Degree in Other Mathematics and Doctoral Degree in Computer Science at the University of California-Berkeley. And became a Professor in Department of Computer Science. He worked in the Mathematics Department of Massachusetts Institute of Technology as an instructor then assistant professor. He was a ember in the National Academy of Engineering (1996), the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (2006), the National Academy of Sciences (2007). In 1996 he was awarded the Paris Kanellakis Theory and Practice Award, in 2000 he was awarded the IEEE Kobayashi Award for Computers and Communications Award. He has also been awarded the Turing Award
Contributions to Computer Science:He had a large contribution in the creation of the RSA algorithm which has helped with security online. He worked and helped create the Number theory. He has done research on DNA computation through which he proved that DNA can be used to solve the SAT problem, the central problem in computer science. He did tests and algorithms for the cyclic groups of logarithms. He also worked in Quantum computing, and Cryptography. He had a hand the creating a computer virus, and he worked on Fermat’s last theorem proving that theorems have infinite primes.